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Shimano ForceMaster A 9000 Electric Reel

Price from 1166.26 € View products
The Forcemaster 9000 is designed with a combination of value and practicality. With 4 programme modes, the electric motor generates super fast speeds whilst also delivering impressive drag power. Perfect for bottom fishing in the deepest waters or where excessive amounts of line are used. Shimano designed the Forcemaster 9000 to be versatile and to meet the needs of anglers deep-dropping for bottom fish or fishing with kites for sailfish and other pelagic species. If that’s the type of fishing you do, and you want to explore the benefits of electric reels, it makes a great choice and costs considerably less that it’s more sophisticated Beastmaster 9000 brother. Packed with 25kg of drag to provide the power needed under immense loads, the Forcemaster 9000 also has a superfast retrieve speed of 140m per minute. The Forcemaster 9000 incorporates a HAGANE Body and Shimano’s Heat Free System II to reduce the reel’s internal temperature when fighting big fish, allowing you to focus on what matters most, not exhausting yourself whilst winching on a reel! The fine dot LCD screen is easy to...
Electric Reel Shimano ForceMaster A 9000
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Electric Reel Shimano ForceMaster A 9000

Code: FM9000A

Bearings: 3
Gear ratio: 3.1:1
Handle: right handed
Line capacity: 65/1260 yard/lb
Max drag: 25.00 kg
Max drag lb: 55 lb
Spool capacity: 0.43/940 mm/m
Weight: 1515.00 g

The lowest price in the last 30 days before the current reduction: 1403.94 €

1166.26 €     1403.94 €
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ForceMaster A 9000 Electric Reel

The Forcemaster 9000 is designed with a combination of value and practicality. With 4 programme modes, the electric motor generates super fast speeds whilst also delivering impressive drag power. Perfect for bottom fishing in the deepest waters or where excessive amounts of line are used.
Shimano designed the Forcemaster 9000 to be versatile and to meet the needs of anglers deep-dropping for bottom fish or fishing with kites for sailfish and other pelagic species. If that’s the type of fishing you do, and you want to explore the benefits of electric reels, it makes a great choice and costs considerably less that it’s more sophisticated Beastmaster 9000 brother. Packed with 25kg of drag to provide the power needed under immense loads, the Forcemaster 9000 also has a superfast retrieve speed of 140m per minute.
The Forcemaster 9000 incorporates a HAGANE Body and Shimano’s Heat Free System II to reduce the reel’s internal temperature when fighting big fish, allowing you to focus on what matters most, not exhausting yourself whilst winching on a reel! The fine dot LCD screen is easy to read, even in strong sunlight and the E-Exciting Drag Sound feature adjusts to the stain of the drag to let you know just how hard it’s working.
Founded in the early 1920’s by Shozaburo Shimano, Shimano started off as a company known for precision engineering. Today the company is regarded as one of the forerunners in product innovation and a leader in the industry.
Shimano prides itself on its ability to design and produce fishing tackle that features cutting edge technology such as High Efficiency Gearing (HEG), A-RB and TC4 Construction.
With more than 75 employees in the fishing tackle division in Irvine, California headquarters, Shimano American Corporation has a national sales force of 60 of the most seasoned professionals in the industry that have a passion for fishing.
With an eye towards the future, Shimano is heavily involved in youth development around the country and environmental and governmental affairs that help protect the land and sea.
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