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Materials - dubbings
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Hareline Dubbin Hareline Dubbin

100% rabbit hair perfectly blended and available in every co...
Prices from 7.80 zł

Hareline Dubbin Hare's Ear Plus Dubbin

Rabbit and guard hairs make it very spiky along with antron...
Prices from 10.60 zł

Hareline Dubbin Hare`e Ice Dub

A perfect mix of Hare’s Ear and Ice Dub. This will be as go...
Prices from 13.20 zł

FMFly Hare Dubbings

We guarantee pure Argentinian Hare = 100% Hare dubbing
Prices from 10.60 zł

FMFly Natural UV Dubbing

Natural UV Dubbing is an extremely effective dubbing based o...
Prices from 3.40 zł

FMFly Hare Pearl Dubbing

Hare Pearl Dubbing is a classic, known for years dubbing wit...
Prices from 3.40 zł