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Fly Tying Feathers
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FutureFly Signature Hen Saddle

We have been searching for feathers for our Micro and Nano f...
Prices from 81.00 zł

Wapsi Feathers Grizzly Marabou

This small Grizzly Chicken Marabou is also knows as Grizzly...
Prices from 18.00 zł

Metz Cock Half Neck

Prices from 147.00 zł

Veniard Feathers Grey English Partridge Neck

Great partridge feathers for hackles of wet flies and nymphs...
Prices from 23.00 zł

Metz Hen Saddle

Genetic hen saddle caps from specialist Metz breeding.
Prices from 75.00 zł

Metz Hen Neck

Large hen neck caps from the genetic breeding of Metz. The c...
Prices from 149.00 zł

Metz Micro Barb Cock Saddle

Top quality Metz Micro Barb saddles for tying dry flies. Sad...
Prices from 526.00 zł

Hareline Dubbin Flat Wing Saddles

Genetic Flat Wing Saddles rooster saddles with long feathers...
Prices from 180.00 zł

Veniard Loose Cock Saddle Hackle Large

Loose Cock Saddle Hackle Large 2 gram - Packets of dyed and...
Prices from 9.40 zł

Veniard Brown Partridge Back

A traditional material for hackling spiders and wets.
Prices from 23.00 zł

Veniard GP tippet 1/2 collar dyed

A generous half collar
Prices from 23.00 zł

Veniard Partridge Shoulder feathers

A traditional material for hackling spiders and wets
Prices from 23.00 zł

Veniard English Partridge Complete Skin

An unbelievable amount of useable material. Great for a huge...
Prices from 194.00 zł

Veniard Cock Pheasant Hopper Legs

Knotted by hand, perfect for legs on hoppers.
Prices from 17.50 zł

Hareline Dubbin Hen Cape

Large genetic neck caps of American-bred hens. Great feather...
Prices from 113.00 zł

Hareline Dubbin Hen Saddle

Genetic hen saddle caps from American breeding. Great feathe...
Prices from 111.00 zł

FutureFly Rooster Saddle Feather

Our FF Rooster Saddle Feather is a high quality product. We...
Prices from 19.80 zł

Ewing Ewing Half Capes

Prices from 125.00 zł

Griffin Griffin Hook & Hackle Guage

This handy gauge fits most vise stems. To determine hackle s...
Prices from 42.00 zł

Wapsi Ringneck Tail Feathers

With our Ringneck Pheasant Tail Feathers you get one pair, d...
Prices from 22.50 zł

Wapsi Pheasant Skin

Prices from 75.00 zł

FMFly Peacock Herl

Prices from 6.40 zł

Metz Magnum Neck

Prices from 343.00 zł