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Fly Tying Feathers
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Hareline Dubbin Dow Saddles

Roster saddles which are great for buggers and streamers.
Prices from 207.00 zł

Veniard Genetic Hen Capes

Genetic Hen capes from the USA with great quality soft hackl...
Prices from 152.00 zł

Wapsi Salmon Hen Neck

Sub. for illegal, exotic plumage. Use for traditional salmon...
Prices from 21.00 zł

Metz Cock Saddle

Prices from 323.00 zł

Keough Hackle Half Grizzly Saddle

Half Grizzly Saddles from Keough Hackles breeding. Prepared...
Prices from 236.00 zł

Keough Hackle Keough Hackle Cock Capes Tyers Grade

Keough Hackle Tyers Grade Cape are genetic cock neck capes o...
Prices from 324.00 zł

FMFly Hen Capes

Hen neck capes make the irreplaceable, basic material for ma...
Prices from 11.80 zł

FMFly Cock Capes - Natural

The cocks capes in natural colours, available in three quali...
Prices from 6.00 zł

FMFly Cock Capes - Dyed

Dyed caps from Indian rooster breeds have a full range of fe...
Prices from 18.20 zł

FMFly Cock Saddle Patch

The saddle capes of a rooster has long feathers, which are m...
Prices from 14.40 zł

Ewing Rooster Saddle

Perfect hackles for Pike flies, seatrout flies and streamer...
Prices from 330.00 zł

Ewing Dry Fly Cape

Genetic capes, cultured in USA, for dry flies. Full range of...
Prices from 171.00 zł

Wapsi Duck Wing Quills

Mallard duck wing quills this is the basic material for dry...
Prices from 10.40 zł

Hareline Dubbin Turkey Biot Quills

Perfect material to tying dry flies body. Two sorted feather...
Prices from 15.40 zł

Hareline Dubbin Cul de Canard

Cul De Canard (CDC) are the feathers from the back of the of...
Prices from 16.20 zł

Veniard Mallard Bronze

Small and medium feathers used predominately on the "Mallard...
Prices from 33.50 zł

Wapsi Dry Fly Neck Hackle

Genetic feathers for dry fly flies. The x-small size is the...
Prices from 51.00 zł

FMFly CDC Puffs

Prices from 10.72 zł

Veniard Woodcock - whole wings

Wings should be in every fly tier workshop. Basic material t...
Prices from 48.00 zł

Veniard Pheasant hen - whole wings

Wings should be in every fly tier workshop. Basic material t...
Prices from 32.00 zł

Veniard Mallard Duck - whole wings

Wings should be in every fly tier workshop. Basic material t...
Prices from 38.10 zł

Veniard Peacock

Use the eyes if you want the fullest herl.
Prices from 22.50 zł

Spirit River UV2 Grizzly Soft Hackles

Great for buggers, damsels or soft hackles. All UV2 enhanced...
Prices from 24.70 zł

Spirit River UV2 Strung Saddle

Key colors infused with UVF and UVR. Read more about this or...
Prices from 42.50 zł

Veniard Teal Duck

Teal Duck has strong black and white barring. Used as a wing...
Prices from 23.00 zł

Veniard Condor substitute

Veniard is the best accessible on the market the condor subs...
Prices from 9.00 zł

Wapsi Marabou Blood Quills

Our best selling Marabou. This marabou is the blood quill. I...
Prices from 12.00 zł

Wapsi Neck Hackle Strung

Large, wide hackles, good for streamers, bass and saltwater...
Prices from 16.00 zł

Wapsi Ostrich Herl

Very popular for gilled nymphs, tails, bodies, tentacles and...
Prices from 17.00 zł

FMFly Feathers Grizzly Marabou

Grizzly Marabou is a colored turkey feather with black strip...
Prices from 9.40 zł

FMFly Peacock Eyes

Prices from 5.70 zł

Wapsi Ostrich Marabou

Ostrich plumes the size of Turkey Marabou. A great material...
Prices from 12.00 zł