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Salmo Pike Lures

Price from 10.59 € View products
There are those in the angling world who think pike is a simple fish to catch. Pike eat pike and only the best lures can imitate the real meal deal. Watch small pike search the water for prey, unaware of the huge pike lying in wait. Watch the beast accelerate, inhale what looks an easy meal of a young pike. Experience that first stop dead weight after the strike, then a fraction of a second later watch the water explode. Pike eat Pike. Unlucky pike! Lure type – Crankbait In the salmo offer since – 1992 Available sizes – 9,11,13 and 16 cm Available versions – Floating, Sinking, Jointed, Shallow Runner, Deep Runner and Super Deep Runner. Available colours – 5 Recommended method of fishing – casting , trolling Recommended for – pike, muskie, zander How to fish with Pike All floating models from the Pike family are first class for fishing in bank-side shallows on lakes at depths from 0.5m (the Pike 9F and Pike 11F) down to 3-4m (the Pike 9SDR and Pike 16F). Like all the Pike lures it is best to retrieve the Pike 13 Jointed slowly but with some speed variations and freque...
Pike PE9F - floating
Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9F - Albino Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9F - Albino Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 9.00 cm
Swimming depth: 50 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 100 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 9.00 g

10.71 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9F - Hot Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9F - Hot Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 9.00 cm
Swimming depth: 50 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 100 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 9.00 g

10.71 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9F - Real Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9F - Real Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 9.00 cm
Swimming depth: 50 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 100 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 9.00 g

10.71 €
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Pike PE9SDR Super Deep Runner
Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9SDR Super Deep Runner - Hot Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9SDR Super Deep Runner - Hot Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 9.00 cm

11.21 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9SDR Super Deep Runner - Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE9SDR Super Deep Runner - Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 9.00 cm

11.21 €
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Pike 11cm Floating
Hard Lure Wobler Salmo Pike PE11F - Albino Pike

Hard Lure Wobler Salmo Pike PE11F - Albino Pike

Code: PSA-PE11F-AP

Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 11.00 cm
Swimming depth: 50 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 100 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 15.00 g

11.82 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE11F - Hot Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE11F - Hot Pike

Code: PSA-PE11F-HP

Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 11.00 cm
Swimming depth: 50 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 100 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 15.00 g

11.82 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE11F - Real Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE11F - Real Pike

Code: PSA-PE11F-RP

Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 11.00 cm
Swimming depth: 50 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 100 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 15.00 g

11.82 €
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Pike PE11DR Deep Runner
Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE11DR Deep Runner - Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE11DR Deep Runner - Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 11.00 cm

10.59 €
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Pike PE16F - foating
Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE16F - Albino Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE16F - Albino Pike

Code: PSA-PE16F-AP

Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 16.00 cm
Swimming depth: 200 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 500 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 52.00 g

15.89 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE16F - Hot Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE16F - Hot Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 16.00 cm
Swimming depth: 200 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 500 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 52.00 g

15.89 €
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Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE16F - Real Pike

Hard Lure Salmo Pike PE16F - Real Pike


Fish: Pike
Fish : Zander
Length: 16.00 cm
Swimming depth: 200 cm
Swimming depth (trolling): 500 cm
Type: Floating
Weight: 52.00 g

15.89 €
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Pike lures

There are those in the angling world who think pike is a simple fish to catch. Pike eat pike and only the best lures can imitate the real meal deal. Watch small pike search the water for prey, unaware of the huge pike lying in wait. Watch the beast accelerate, inhale what looks an easy meal of a young pike. Experience that first stop dead weight after the strike, then a fraction of a second later watch the water explode. Pike eat Pike. Unlucky pike!

Lure type – Crankbait
In the salmo offer since – 1992
Available sizes – 9,11,13 and 16 cm
Available versions – Floating, Sinking, Jointed, Shallow Runner, Deep Runner and Super Deep Runner.
Available colours – 5
Recommended method of fishing – casting , trolling
Recommended for – pike, muskie, zander

How to fish with Pike
All floating models from the Pike family are first class for fishing in bank-side shallows on lakes at depths from 0.5m (the Pike 9F and Pike 11F) down to 3-4m (the Pike 9SDR and Pike 16F). Like all the Pike lures it is best to retrieve the Pike 13 Jointed slowly but with some speed variations and frequent pauses. In large rivers cast downstream and retrieve against the flow, allowing the lure to stop occasionally close to bank features and over submerged vegetation where predators may be hiding.

Are those large pikes taking only softbaits? - Piotr Piskorski
Next day started with excellent sunny weather. Would fish be taking? We launched our boats with new hope. On both rods we have our lucky Salmo Pike 16F PE. Around midday I had a take while trolling 6-7 metres deep water. Instantly I knew that I hooked a monster! Fish was very calm, I could feel as it shook its head, and they were so powerful that almost brought me on my knees! One thing was certain - I have never had such a thing on my rod! Fish allowed me to bring it calmly to boat, and as it surfaced I almost sat in shock! It''''s even bigger than I thought! I started to be afraid ‘bout my heart at this stage. Water was cold, our Lowrance fishfinder showed 7 degrees, so the fish wasn''''t really taming with energy. But it managed to get few dozen metres of my 45lb braid at least couple of times. I''''ve never seen such thing done by any pike before. But this fish was really big! Next time fish came to the boat I decided to land it with my hands, this fish was too majestic to hurt it with a grip. I was lucky, as the treble hooks were well hidden in its monstrous mouths. Radek helped me to get up from my knees. Fish was in the boat! We were sure that I just landed my long dreamed new PB! But exact measurement took our breath away - fish was 130cm long. We took couple of photos and "supermum" was returned to water. I held her tail and for a few moments fish remained calm. But few second later it started to tear itself loose. Obviously she still had a lot of energy left, but it seemed that she was a Lady and did not interrupted us during a photo session. But then it was different. She finally burst with such energy that I was unable to hold her longer and swam away. My happiness was complete!
Made in Poland. The founder of the Salmo company and the main designer of the lures is Mr. Piotr Piskorski. Salmo - Performance Fishing Lures. You only have to fish with SALMO lures once to become convinced of how special they are. They really are not just more imitations made to satisfy the whims of collector-anglers - these lures are unique for several reasons. There is no other lure manufacturer in the world who, as well as drawing upon his skill and fishing passion, has invested in professional knowledge of fish biology. SALMO lures therefore have built-in secrets – a powerful combination coming from the knowledge and experience of designers (graduate fish biologists) and the demanding SALMO field testers in Europe and overseas. The magic of these secrets is confirmed every day by the messages of thanks coming in from many countries accompanied by pictures of trophy fish caught on our lures and stories about fantastic fishing adventures.
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GPSR for Salmo

FOX International Group Ltd
1, Myrtle Road
CM14 5EG, Brentwood, Essex