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Shimano Fliegen SD

Price from 533.25 € View products
The eye-catching Fliegen is a premium long distance reel suitable for surf and carp fishing with braid, and a favourite of tournament casters around the world. Packed with the latest long range technology, this stunning reel has captivating style to turn heads wherever it is used. If you’re searching for a Big Pit or surf reel that offers outstanding lightness, strength, accuracy, durability and comfort, that will truly enhance your angling experience, the Fliegen SD is for you. Equipped with a range of Shimano’s latest technologies; this reel is light, strong, accurate and oozes quality. Fliegen is the German translation for ‘to fly’, which perfectly sums up its minimal friction casting performance. And whilst the Fliegen SD certainly looks the business, it is the performance that really sets it apart. When it comes to style, quality, performance and features, reels don’t come much better than the Fliegen SD. The Fliegen is Shimano’s lightest long range reel weighing just 490g. The combination of lightweight HAGANE Body, Ci4+ Rotor, Parallel Body, and AR-C spool delivers amazing c...
Reel Shimano Fliegen 35 SD
Special price!

Reel Shimano Fliegen 35 SD

Code: 5SA60C000

Bearings: 9
Gear ratio: 3.5:1
Line retrieve: 84 cm
Max drag: 20.00 kg
Max drag lb: 44 lb
Weight: 490.00 g

The lowest price in the last 30 days before the current reduction: 640.39 €

533.25 €     640.39 €
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Fliegen SD

The eye-catching Fliegen is a premium long distance reel suitable for surf and carp fishing with braid, and a favourite of tournament casters around the world. Packed with the latest long range technology, this stunning reel has captivating style to turn heads wherever it is used.
If you’re searching for a Big Pit or surf reel that offers outstanding lightness, strength, accuracy, durability and comfort, that will truly enhance your angling experience, the Fliegen SD is for you. Equipped with a range of Shimano’s latest technologies; this reel is light, strong, accurate and oozes quality. Fliegen is the German translation for ‘to fly’, which perfectly sums up its minimal friction casting performance. And whilst the Fliegen SD certainly looks the business, it is the performance that really sets it apart. When it comes to style, quality, performance and features, reels don’t come much better than the Fliegen SD.
The Fliegen is Shimano’s lightest long range reel weighing just 490g. The combination of lightweight HAGANE Body, Ci4+ Rotor, Parallel Body, and AR-C spool delivers amazing casting performance. However, this reel is no lightweight when it comes to strength. HAGANE Gear and X-SHIP combine to provide smooth, powerful winding to match any other Big Pit/Surfcasting reel. And X-Protect technology protects the internal gears and engineering from water intrusion, without impairing the lightness of rotation. The Fliegen SD also features Shimano’s High Speed Drag which can be changed from free spool to lockdown with just a small turn of the drag knob.
Founded in the early 1920’s by Shozaburo Shimano, Shimano started off as a company known for precision engineering. Today the company is regarded as one of the forerunners in product innovation and a leader in the industry.
Shimano prides itself on its ability to design and produce fishing tackle that features cutting edge technology such as High Efficiency Gearing (HEG), A-RB and TC4 Construction.
With more than 75 employees in the fishing tackle division in Irvine, California headquarters, Shimano American Corporation has a national sales force of 60 of the most seasoned professionals in the industry that have a passion for fishing.
With an eye towards the future, Shimano is heavily involved in youth development around the country and environmental and governmental affairs that help protect the land and sea.
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