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Madotachi - limited Japanese lures

Madotachi Hanitas Crank

Japanese Madotachi Hanitas Crank lures were designed for fis...
Prices from 24.38 €

Madotachi Hanitas

Prices from 59.85 €

Madotachi Hanitas LR

Handmade Japanese Madotachi Hanitas LR lures are the most in...
Prices from 38.42 €

Madotachi Made in Japan

Madotachi is a brand offering an innovative lure targeting a bass and predator fishes. 100% made in Japan at their own factory in Osaka, Japan.
The designer started to go for fishing at the age of 30, which is quite late age as you may think. And, he himself admits that he is not particularly good at fishing, but because of it, he decided to create a lure that can swim perfectly without any difficult techniques or skills.
Check the youtube and you will see how beautifully it swims, and the most important thing is that you don’t need to be a professional angler to make it swim. You yourself can do it thanks to the elaborate design.
The position of fin can be changed at three different angles, which can cover three different depth by just one lure.
The system is already patented.