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Drennan Feeders

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Vari-Weight Feeder With just one light and one heavy Drennan Vari-Weight Feeder, nine dif­ferent weight com­bin­a­tions are available! Thdrennan-vari-weight-feeder14e base weights are divided into two unequal parts and simply slide in and out of their housing in the bottom of each feeder. Although they are excel­lent on still­wa­ters, Drennan Vari-Weight Feeders are designed primarily for the river angler who needs to make small adjust­ments to the weight loading in order to get the feeder fishing perfectly. The ability to make these adjust­ments without repla­cing one feeder for another and without altering its stream­lining is a real advantage, espe­cially when fishing for drop backs with a carbon quivertip. There are four Vari-Weight Feeders in the family, each with its own range of nine dif­ferent weight com­bin­a­tions and all sup­plied in a pack of two feeders (one green and one brown). Carp Feeders Carp Feeders are primarily designed for carp on com­mer­cials but are also an ideal choice when tar­geting spe­cies like chub, perch and roach on rivers and lakes. Al...
Oval Blockends Heavy
Drennan Oval Blockends Heavy - 42g

Drennan Oval Blockends Heavy - 42g

Code: TFOBH001

Weight: 42.00 g

3.99 €
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Drennan Oval Blockends Heavy - 56g

Drennan Oval Blockends Heavy - 56g

Code: TFOBH002

Weight: 56.00 g

3.99 €
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Oval Blockends Standard
Drennan Oval Blockends Standard - 28g

Drennan Oval Blockends Standard - 28g

Code: TFOBS001

Weight: 28.00 g

4.68 €
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Drennan Oval Blockends Standard - 56g

Drennan Oval Blockends Standard - 56g

Code: TFOBS003

Weight: 56.00 g

3.99 €
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Vari-Weight Feeder
With just one light and one heavy Drennan Vari-Weight Feeder, nine dif­ferent weight com­bin­a­tions are available!
Thdrennan-vari-weight-feeder14e base weights are divided into two unequal parts and simply slide in and out of their housing in the bottom of each feeder.
Although they are excel­lent on still­wa­ters, Drennan Vari-Weight Feeders are designed primarily for the river angler who needs to make small adjust­ments to the weight loading in order to get the feeder fishing perfectly.

The ability to make these adjust­ments without repla­cing one feeder for another and without altering its stream­lining is a real advantage, espe­cially when fishing for drop backs with a carbon quivertip. There are four Vari-Weight Feeders in the family, each with its own range of nine dif­ferent weight com­bin­a­tions and all sup­plied in a pack of two feeders (one green and one brown).

Carp Feeders
Carp Feeders are primarily designed for carp on com­mer­cials but are also an ideal choice when tar­geting spe­cies like chub, perch and roach on rivers and lakes.
Although designed as a maggot feeder, they can also be adapted for caster and chopped worm if the holes are opened slightly.
With the weight con­cen­trated at the bottom, the Drennan Carp Feeder will cast true and straight, even in a cross wind, for pin­point accuracy.

Oval Blockends Standard
The latest Oval Blockend Feeders are now made from a stronger plastic for improved longevity, and fea­ture a more stream­lined, low pro­file. The flat lead base, moulded into the feeders, ensures they hold their pos­i­tion in the cur­rent extremely well.

Oval Blockends Heavy
Drennan Oval Groundbait Feeders are pro­duced in tough, dur­able, cam­ou­flaged plastic in either ‘Weedy Green’ or ‘Gravel Brown’. This extensive range of eight open-ended feeders covers all still­water and river fishing with casting weights from 15g (1/2oz) to 60g (2 1/2oz).

The classic oval shape ensures the feeder hugs the bottom and the pos­i­tioning of the holes ensure that the ground­bait is dis­persed dir­ectly around the hook bait.
These robust feeders are fin­ished with an integral moulded rolling swivel to help pre­vent line twist.

Drennan Feederbombs are a quite unique design that really does cast better than almost any other feeder! They are a fant­astic choice when you are looking to feeder fish accur­ately at any range.

The Feederbomb is per­fectly suited to lakes and slow to medium paced rivers. Because of the design, with all the weight con­cen­trated at the base of the feeder, they really do cast true and straight, even in a cross wind, and are per­fect when you need to cast tight to a far bank. Feederbombs are avail­able in four sizes and a choice of olive green or camo brown colours.

Pellet Feeder
The shovel-shaped design includes a unique, tapered heavy­weight base with the lead biased towards the front end or leading edge. So casting dis­tance and accuracy is massively improved.
They are also very low pro­file, sit­ting down tight to the lake bed and are pro­duced in a groundbait/puddle brown tint, so are really unobtrusive. Three sizes, each with a standard Method Connector bead included. Produced in our own factories, the quality of build is strik­ingly dif­ferent to many alternatives!
The Drennan tackle company was founded in 1967 when its current Managing Director, Peter Drennan, began producing a small range of Balsawood floats in his mother's garage. Having served his angling apprenticeship with some of the finest anglers of that era; Dick Walker, Peter Stone, the Taylor Brothers and England's first World Champion, Bill Lane, the young Peter Drennan was already recognised as something of a tackle expert. With the ability to design superior floats and the craft skill to make them, the original one man business expanded steadily from those humble garage beginnings.
Drennan International is very strong on the engineering side, from Computer Aided Design (CAD), through toolmaking, high-tech plastics processing to building its own special purpose production machinery. On all aspects of product design, manufacture, packaging, quality control and customer service, the company has expert anglers in key positions.
The criteria for Drennan is always that the product must be good value for money, trouble free and must help catch fish.
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