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HMG Lures


Prices from 6.28 €

HMG Lures Hard Lures SilentASSASIN

The HMGlures SilentASSASIN wobbler is a very versatile lure,...
Prices from 5.91 €

HMG Lures Hard Lures Jager

HMG lures Jager wobbler designed mainly for trout fishing. O...
Prices from 6.28 €

HMG Lures Hard Lures PsychoBugg

PsychoBUGG is a surface bait. It imitates everything that fa...
Prices from 4.93 €

HMG Lures Hard Lures Droop Killer Float

The first small floating wobbler in our offer. Made on the b...
Prices from 5.30 €

HMG Lures Lures KillerEGG FAT II

KillerEgg FAT sinking – a similar to KillerEGG’s concept – a...
Prices from 5.30 €

HMG Lures Lures Droop Killer

DroopKILLER is a model designed especially for very long cas...
Prices from 5.30 €

HMG Lures Lures Killer Egg

Our basic, flagship lure model. It's characterized by an ama...
Prices from 4.93 €
Our company has been dealing with lure production for a very long time. Our first lures were made out of linden and balsa wood over 15 years ago. They were quickly acclaimed by the anglers in our region and gradually became popular all over the country. That's when we decided to make a living out of fishing lure production and our company NINJA FISHING was established. All our lures are created with passion and love for angling. All had been carefully designed and tested long before they were shown to the public. Nothing happens by accident, most of our lures are designed for particular fisheries and conditions. That's why they are incredibly effective and won't let you come out of the water empty-handed. Currently our lures are widely recognizable in Poland. Effective ide, chub, trout and asp fishing is our main piority, however we didn't forget about perch, pike, zander, barbel and catfish hunters. All our lures are handmade, without the use of large machinery.