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Shaker Baits

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Ice Seed

Ice Seed - New micro size soft lure is available @ Finland w...
Prices from £ 1.84

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Mad Roach 3D

Shaker baits Mad Roach 3D jig is a very detailed imitation o...
Prices from £ 3.78

Shaker Baits Stora Verner Vertical Soft Baits

Soft Baits Shaker Baits Stora Verner Vertical - Very Flexibl...
Prices from £ 6.43

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Blockhead Shad

Blockhead Shad is handwritten by Antti Harju. Jig's special...
Prices from £ 4.90

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Flathead Shad

Soft Baits Shaker Baits Flathead Shad’s persuading looks can...
Prices from £ 3.96

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Elephant Shad

Elephant Shad’s persuading looks can trick any fish, no matt...
Prices from £ 3.63

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Piggyshad

Piggyshad’s energetic wobbling complimented by amazing color...
Prices from £ 1.43

Shaker Baits Soft Baits Huntershad

Soft Baits Shaker Baits Huntershad features a slender body w...
Prices from £ 1.63
Shaker Baits is a Finnish brand specializing in the offer of soft baits. The lures are tested in Scandinavian fisheries and in species such as pike, zander and perch. Additionally, many of their large lures have been successfully tested on saltwater species.