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Wob-Art Frog

Prices from £ 6.84

Wob-Art Lures Ukleja Vibro

Ukleja Vibro lures faithfully imitate the shape and colorati...
Prices from £ 5.31

Wob-Art Lures Koi

The coloration refers to the "ornamental" varieties of Koi c...
Prices from £ 6.43

Wob-Art Lures Karp bezłuski (Carp)

The shape and coloration imitate the leather carp in greenis...
Prices from £ 6.43

Wob-Art Lures Płoć (Roach)

The shape and colour faithfully imitates a roach. Applicati...
Prices from £ 5.41

Wob-Art Okoń (Perch) Lures

The shape and colour faithfully imitates a perch. Applicatio...
Prices from £ 5.41

Wob-Art Lures Kulawa rybka (Dead Fish)

The shape faithfully imitates an injured fish, while its col...
Prices from £ 5.41

Wob-Art Lures Krąp (White Bream)

The shape and color faithfully imitates a silver bream and c...
Prices from £ 7.24

Wob-Art Lures Kiełb (Gobio) XL

It has shape of a sand fish. Intended for all river predator...
Prices from £ 5.31

Wob-Art Jerkbaits Ukleja (Bleak) XL ST Seatrout

The shape faithfully imitates the appearance of the herring....
Prices from £ 7.76

Wob-Art Lures Ukleja (Bleak) XL SSR

Shape is a faithful reproduction of the shape of the bleak....
Prices from £ 6.84

Wob-Art Jerkbaits Ukleja (Bleak) XL LL (Lipless)

The shape faithfully imitates the bleak. An excellent wobble...
Prices from £ 7.24

Wob-Art Lures Natręt

A small 2,5 cm lure with delicate and well visible work. Sup...
Prices from £ 4.29

Wob-Art Jerkbait Tubis

Shape similar to a tubis. The belly parts of the wobbler are...
Prices from £ 7.76

Wob-Art Lures Świetlik Świętojański (Glowworm)

The shape and colour faithfully imitate a common glow-worm....
Prices from £ 5.10

Wob-Art Lures Pływak żółtobrzeżek (Great diving beetle)

The shape and colour faithfully imitate a great diving beetl...
Prices from £ 5.10

Wob-Art Lures Kałużnica (Great Silver Water Beetle)

The shape and colour faithfully imitate a water scavenger be...
Prices from £ 5.10

Wob-Art Lures Biegacz złocisty (Golden ground Beetle)

The shape and colour faithfully imitate a golden ground beet...
Prices from £ 5.10

Wob-Art Lures Chrabąszcz (Maybug)

The shape and colours faithfully imitate the cockchafer occu...
Prices from £ 5.10

Wob-Art Lures Biedronka (Ladybird)

In the shape of a faithful enlarged reproduction of the lady...
Prices from £ 5.10

Wob-Art Lures Ukleja (Bleak)

Shape is a faithful reproduction of the shape of the bleak....
Prices from £ 4.29

Wob-Art Lures Szczur (Rat)

The shape faithfully reflects that of a rat. Intended for la...
Prices from £ 7.76

Wob-Art Lures Strzebla (Common minnow)

The shape and colour faithfully imitates the colour of the c...
Prices from £ 5.51

Wob-Art Lures Crayfish

Shape and colour faithfully imitates crayfish. Intended for...
Prices from £ 8.98

Wob-Art Lures Mysz polna (Fieldmouse)

The shape faithfully imitates the field mouse. Intended for...
Prices from £ 7.76

Wob-Art Lures Kiełb (Gobio gobio)

The Shape is a faithful reproduction of the gobio gobio. Lig...
Prices from £ 5.31

Wob-Art Lures Ciernik (stickleback)

The shape faithfully imitates the appearance of the stickleb...
Prices from £ 4.08

WOB-ART handmade lures

WOB-ART lures are the result of many years of experience in spinning fishing, as well as in the construction and design of wobblers. Hand-made and signed with the initials of MW for over a dozen years, they have been the "secret weapon" of many outstanding spinning enthusiasts. It is thanks to them that many record fish specimens have been caught and fishing competitions won.