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Black Cat Bottom Float

Price from 37.00 zł View products
Anti-tangle boom with integrated floating device for bank anglers. The Bottom Float includes a robust swivel for attaching heavy leads or stones and is tied to the main line above the leader. It acts as anti-tangle protection when casting the catfish legering rig from the bank. The Bottom Float positions itself on the bottom, reliably holding the angler's line off the bottom and above stones and mussels. - NO TWISTING: Ideally suited to casting leger rigs with twist-free flight. - FRICTION-FREE LINE MOVEMENT: The main line can slide friction-free through the tube of the Bottom Floats, indicating even cautious bites. - DIRECT BITE DETECTION: The angler can use the Bottom Float on a free-spool set-up combined with a run stop so a catfish hooks itself when it bites. - LINE PROTECTION: The buoyancy of the Bottom Float guides the main line safely over stones and mussel beds.
Black Cat Bottom Float 20g
Black Cat

Black Cat Bottom Float 20g

Code: 5540002

Buoyancy: 20 g
Quantity: 1 pcs.

37.00 zł
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Black Cat Bottom Float 30g
Black Cat

Black Cat Bottom Float 30g

Code: 5540003

Buoyancy: 30 g
Quantity: 1 pcs.

37.00 zł
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Bottom Float

Anti-tangle boom with integrated floating device for bank anglers. The Bottom Float includes a robust swivel for attaching heavy leads or stones and is tied to the main line above the leader. It acts as anti-tangle protection when casting the catfish legering rig from the bank. The Bottom Float positions itself on the bottom, reliably holding the angler's line off the bottom and above stones and mussels.
- NO TWISTING: Ideally suited to casting leger rigs with twist-free flight.
- FRICTION-FREE LINE MOVEMENT: The main line can slide friction-free through the tube of the Bottom Floats, indicating even cautious bites.
- DIRECT BITE DETECTION: The angler can use the Bottom Float on a free-spool set-up combined with a run stop so a catfish hooks itself when it bites.
- LINE PROTECTION: The buoyancy of the Bottom Float guides the main line safely over stones and mussel beds.
Black Cat
Black Cat
Catfish angling - an extreme adventure that calls for extraordinary equipment. The Black Cat collection by renowned Stefan Seuß delivers everything you could wish for in this hardcore pursuit and has been tested against the toughest opponents swimming in Europe`s rivers.
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GPSR for Black Cat

BV Preston Innovations Europe
2340 Beerse, Belgium
BTW BE 0774.680.897