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DAM Madcat MADCAT A-Static Spin & Jig System

Price from 23.00 zł View products
Simple but effective system to fish with a dead bait for catfish, either spinning or jigging. Simply push the lead spike into the fish its mouth and belly. Then push the needle point of the safety pin into the chin of the fish, to prevent the fish from turning. The copper wire is meant to fixate the fish properly. In the MADCAT® A-STATIC execution: PVC coated copper wire and a rubber coated treble- to minimize the electric field that spooks catfish. Note: the rubber coating can wear off during usage. Available in two weights: 60 gram and 100 gram (trebles sizes: 1/0 and 2/0).

MADCAT A-Static Spin & Jig System

Simple but effective system to fish with a dead bait for catfish, either spinning or jigging. Simply push the lead spike into the fish its mouth and belly. Then push the needle point of the safety pin into the chin of the fish, to prevent the fish from turning. The copper wire is meant to fixate the fish properly. In the MADCAT® A-STATIC execution: PVC coated copper wire and a rubber coated treble- to minimize the electric field that spooks catfish. Note: the rubber coating can wear off during usage. Available in two weights: 60 gram and 100 gram (trebles sizes: 1/0 and 2/0).
DAM Madcat
DAM Madcat
MADCAT is a premium brand for catfish fishing by the legendary German company D.A.M.
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GPSR for DAM Madcat

Svendsen Sport A/S
Drejergangen 3A
2690 Karlslunde
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