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Deps lures

Deps Evoke Shad

Deps Evoke Shad is a deadly lure, especially in cold water....
Prices from 54.00 zł

Deps Balisong Minnow Longbill 130

Deps' legendary Balisong Minnow can be called the standard a...
Prices from 86.00 zł

Deps DC-300 Kickbacker

The Deps DC-300 Kickbacker are deep descending lures that wi...
Prices from 82.00 zł

Deps DC-400 Cascabel

Deps DC-400 Cascabel hard lures are designed for catching bi...
Prices from 119.00 zł

Deps Wakasagi Bait

Deps Wakasagi Bait in the shape of the letter "I", which all...
Prices from 56.00 zł

Deps Kro Spintail

The Deps KRO Spin Tail lures provoke bites thanks to their w...
Prices from 65.00 zł

Deps Pulsecod

Deps Pulsecod lures are designed to catch big perches and ba...
Prices from 69.00 zł

Deps Hard Lures Korrigan SR

Deps Korrigan SR are hard lures of the Crank class with a di...
Prices from 56.00 zł

Deps Korrigan MR

Deps Korrigan MR Crank Lure. Perfectly balanced gives the lu...
Prices from 56.00 zł

Deps Korrigan Magnum

Deps Korrigan Magnum is a deep dive lure with a square lip....
Prices from 67.00 zł

Deps Evoke

Deps Evoke is a shallow diving hard lure designed to cut thr...
Prices from 59.00 zł

Deps Huge Circuit Vib

The Deps Huge Circuit Vibe Blade Bait, meticulously designed...
Prices from 56.00 zł

Deps Circuit Vib

The Deps Circuit Vibe Blade Bait, meticulously designed and...
Prices from 48.00 zł

Deps Brachiostick

The Deps Brachiostick pencil popper has a long body and a ce...
Prices from 85.00 zł

Deps BuzzJet Jr.

At first glance, the Buzzjet Jr. looks like his older brothe...
Prices from 67.00 zł

Deps BuzzJet

The Buzzjet takes a big leap forward in the search for the p...
Prices from 82.00 zł

Deps Balisong Minnow Suspending

Deps Balisong Minnow Suspending looks like a very technical...
Prices from 125.00 zł

Deps Balisong Minnow Floating

Lures Deps Balisong introduces a new way of understanding th...
Prices from 117.00 zł

Deps Japanese fishing lures

Deps is a Japanese brand famous all over the world for its high-quality spinning lures for fishing black bass, various marine and freshwater species.