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Microbait lures

Microbait Lures Colorado Beetle

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 32.50 zł

Microbait Lures Great Beetle Colorado

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 32.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Stictoleptura Rubra

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Strangalia Maculata

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Chafer

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 32.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Beetle

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures May Bug

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Nymph

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 30.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Maggot

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 30.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Daisy

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Great Beetle

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 30.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Carabu

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 32.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Hornet

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Wasp

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 30.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Ladybird

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 36.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Grasshopper

All Microbait lures are typical surface bait with a nominal...
Prices from 32.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Snack

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 28.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures Bumblebee

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 30.50 zł

Microbait Hard lures River Crayfish

All lures are typical surface bait with a nominal sinking de...
Prices from 32.50 zł

Hand Made lures

Hand Made lures by Tomasz Szadkowski. Microbait was created in 2010 as a fruit of life-time passion for lure building. Our mission is not only to produce the highest quality professional lures, but also to share our findings and achievements with everybody who is as passionate about fishing as we are!
It was our passion for fishing that became the driving force leading to the creation of our first Lures imitating insects. We promote “Catch and Release” way of fishing to preserve our natural stocks and allow the future generations to enjoy the pleasures of this great sport as well.