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Fly tying materials - chenille
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Semperfli Synthetic Herl 2mm Extra Small

Semperfli Synthetic Herl 2mm Extra Small
New 2025!
Designed to imitate natural Peacock Herl Semperfli Synthetic...
Prices from $4.38 VAT excluded

Semperfli Mopster Mop Chenille 6mm

Semperfli Mopster Mop Chenille 6mm
New 2025!
Mop flies have been proving deadly in reservoirs, managed fi...
Prices from $5.42 VAT excluded

Semperfli EggStatic Egg Fritz 8mm

Semperfli EggStatic Egg Fritz 8mm
New 2025!
Semperfli has taken Egg Fritz or Chenilles to the next level...
Prices from $5.42 VAT excluded

Semperfli Sparkle Worm Chenille

It is the perfect body material. It is 3mm in diameter. Love...
Prices from $4.59 VAT excluded

Semperfli Suede Chenille

Suede Chenille is an ultra fine suede chenille which is perf...
Prices from $1.77 VAT excluded

FMFly Diamond Chenille 15mm

Diamond Chenille 15mm is a translucent, slightly shimmering...
Prices from $0.88 VAT excluded

Semperfli Straggle String Micro Chenille

Specially designed micro chenille with just 2 micro bnded co...
Prices from $2.58 VAT excluded

Semperfli Straggle String Multicard Pack

A multicard selection of Straggle String in a wonderful rang...
Prices from $4.13 VAT excluded

Veniard Mop Chenille

The material from car washing/polishing mitts, now available...
Prices from $2.71 VAT excluded

FMFly Krystal Chenille

Krystal Chenille is a translucent, soft, slightly shimmering...
Prices from $0.83 VAT excluded

Hemingway's Deer Hair Dubbing Brush

Dubbing Brush made of deer hair, which is suitable for tying...
Prices from $3.54 VAT excluded

Hemingway's Streamer Brush With Micro Legs

Brush with micro legs 2.5” wide, 10” length. This is a pre-m...
Prices from $2.46 VAT excluded

Hemingway's Streamer Brush Flash Blend

Flesh blend 2.5 “ wide, 10” lengthGreat gor Steelhead, Salm...
Prices from $3.02 VAT excluded

FMFly Diamond Chenille 4mm & 10mm

Diamond Chenille is a translucent, slightly shining UV refle...
Prices from $0.79 VAT excluded

FMFly Glow Chenille

Glow Chenille, as the name says, shines in the dark after th...
Prices from $1.15 VAT excluded

FMFly Spectrum Chenille

Spectrum Chenille is one of the most popular types of chenil...
Prices from $0.79 VAT excluded

Hends Estaz Chenille

Prices from $1.04 VAT excluded

Hareline Dubbin Polar Chenille

Polar Chenille has long translucent fibers that undulate lik...
Prices from $2.21 VAT excluded

Hareline Dubbin Ultra Chenille

Prices from $3.75 VAT excluded

Veniard Cactus Chenille

Dazzling body material made from flashabou type fibres.
Prices from $1.33 VAT excluded

Enrico Puglisi EP Shrimp Dub Brush

I originally developed EP® SHRIMP DUB to use on my shrimp pa...
Prices from $9.28 VAT excluded

Hemingway's Hare Dubbing Brush

Hare Dubbing Brush is hand-made ready-to-use material for ty...
Prices from $3.50 VAT excluded

Wapsi Palmer Chenille

A Pearlescent single-sided chenille that can be used to wrap...
Prices from $4.07 VAT excluded

Veniard Veniard - Turbo Translucent Chenille

The original Blob chenille. Purely translucent strands. Avai...
Prices from $2.75 VAT excluded

Veniard Micro Cactus Chenille

Extremely fine diameter spooled pearl cactus chenille. Great...
Prices from $1.67 VAT excluded

Veniard Krystal Chenille

A really dazzling body material. Made from Krystal Flash fib...
Prices from $1.36 VAT excluded