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Method Feeder Fishing Reels
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Okuma 6K Feeder Reel

Okuma 6K Feeder Reel
New 2025!
Prices from $68.79 VAT excluded

Mikado Katsudo Distance

Mikado Katsudo Distance
New 2025!
The Katsudo Distance is designed for long-distance angling u...
Prices from $63.58 VAT excluded

Mikado Bixlite Feeder FD

Mikado Bixlite Feeder FD
New 2025!
The Bixlite Feeder series reels are a great place to start y...
Prices from $25.02 VAT excluded

Mikado Sensual NG Distance

A great reel for feeder fishing or long-distance method fish...
Prices from $41.07 VAT excluded

Preston Extremity SD

Preston Extremity SD
New 2025!
Improving on the original Extremity range of reels would nev...
Prices from $94.85 VAT excluded

Preston Centris SD

The Centris SD Reels build on the huge successes of the prev...
Prices from $132.37 VAT excluded

Shimano Aero XR

The Aero XR is a technically advanced match and feeder reel...
Prices from $128.21 VAT excluded

Daiwa 23' TDR Distance 25 QD *

The power reel for feder fishing – with 25mm spool stroke an...
Prices from $254.33 VAT excluded

Flagman Squadron Flow Feeder Reel

Prices from $34.40 VAT excluded

Trabucco Spectrum FDR

Prices from $62.54 VAT excluded

Trabucco Virtus XF Feeder & Distance

Prices from $81.30 VAT excluded

Trabucco Inspiron FD Feeder

Prices from $62.33 VAT excluded

Trabucco Kołowrotki Precision XTF

Prices from $27.10 VAT excluded

Trabucco Marvel FDR Feeder 4000

Prices from $52.12 VAT excluded

Trabucco Marvel Distance FDR 5500

Prices from $41.69 VAT excluded

Daiwa Kołowrotki 23' Matchman

The starter model from the DAIWA Match & Feeder reels – insp...
Prices from $39.61 VAT excluded

Daiwa 23' Ninja Match & Feeder LT

The 23' Ninja Match & Feeder models with Airdrive Design – s...
Prices from $57.33 VAT excluded

Shimano Aero Feeder / Match reels

Prices from $91.72 VAT excluded

Dragon MegaBaits Tactix M.F.

Prices from $20.85 VAT excluded

Delphin IXTREK

IXTREK is expanding its range of compact reels with a front...
Prices from $31.27 VAT excluded

Jaxon Elf Method Feeder

Prices from $15.63 VAT excluded

Daiwa Tournament Feeder 25 QD reel

Longcast tool with power gear.DAIWA Big Pit reels with 25mm...
Prices from $323.12 VAT excluded

DAM Quick Impulse 8 Feeder reels

This high-end feeder reel features the best components avail...
Prices from $44.82 VAT excluded

DAM Quick Impulse 4 Feeder FD Reels

Specifically designed for the art of feeder fishing, this ca...
Prices from $30.02 VAT excluded

Dragon Reels Megabaits Team Feeder FD

• Body and rotor made of titanium-graphite composite NCRT...
Prices from $67.13 VAT excluded

Ryobi Reels Riken Method Feeder

■ body, rotor: graphite composite ■ gear: CNC ■ spool: dur...
Prices from $50.03 VAT excluded

DAM Quick Quick 2 Feeder FD reels

The Quick 2 range just got even better with the addition of...
Prices from $32.73 VAT excluded

Preston Intensity Feeder Reels

The Intensity Feeder Reels have been designed with one thing...
Prices from $127.16 VAT excluded

Preston Magnitude Reels

The Magnitude reel range has been developed to cope with the...
Prices from $104.02 VAT excluded

Preston Inertia reels

The Inertia reels are perfect for the angler that's constrai...
Prices from $62.12 VAT excluded

Jaxon Reels Feeder Pro

Prices from $31.02 VAT excluded

Daiwa Tournament QD Reels

Ultra-strong match and feeder reel for highest demands. With...
Prices from $302.27 VAT excluded

Dragon Mega Baits Method Feeder HS FD800

• 7 stainless steel ball bearings • Infinitive Anti-Reverse...
Prices from $35.44 VAT excluded

Daiwa TDM QD Reels

Reels Daiwa TDM QD developed for match and feeder fishing. C...
Prices from $125.08 VAT excluded

Daiwa GS LTD

The Reels Daiwa GS LTD resemble an icone thanks to the combi...
Prices from $85.68 VAT excluded

Daiwa Ballistic LT Reels

The 17‘ Ballistic LT is based on the new LT concept (Light &...
Prices from $170.94 VAT excluded

Daiwa TD Feeder QD reels

With the TD Feeder DAIWA offers a reel with aluminum body fo...
Prices from $104.02 VAT excluded

Daiwa Ninja Match & Feeder LT Reels

The new Ninja Match & Feeder LT convinces optically as well...
Prices from $60.45 VAT excluded

Ryobi Slam Feeder Reel

- body, side plate and rotor - NCRT titanium-carbon composit...
Prices from $103.81 VAT excluded
Method feeder is a variation of feeder fishing and similar reels are used here. The selection of the reel for the method depends on the caliber of our set, depending on the selected rod, we must match it with the appropriate Method Feeder reel.

For short and medium distances we use short rods, pickers 2.7 or 3 m long, a method feeder reel size 3000 or 4000 will be suitable for such a rod. Of course, we can use both reels with front and rear drag.
Feeders for medium distances, ie 3.6 and 3.9 m long, are best equipped with 4000-5000 reels, and even 6000 if we focus on larger fish.
Distance Feeders with a length of 4.2 m and longer, it is very good to equip large feeder reels of the long distance feeder type (for long cast). These are reels in the size 5000-6000 with special long distance spools, which facilitate quick retrieval of the set and efficient towing of large carp or grass carp.

To sum up, the most popular feeder fishing reels are those with a shallow and wide spool, which gives us the possibility of a large amount of line winding and a strong and smooth drag.