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Choose from 65872 items on the online fishing shop!


Jaxon Indicators

Indicators Ice Rod Bite Indicators
Prices from $0.79 VAT excluded

Jaxon Scraper to the fish

Available two models of scrapers to fish.
Prices from $5.63 VAT excluded

Jaxon Sea belts

Hip/Sea belts designed for posture stabilisation in the cour...
Prices from $11.05 VAT excluded

Jaxon Luminescent beads

For creating rigs. Fluorescent.
Prices from $1.25 VAT excluded

Jaxon Split rings

Irreplaceable in many situations - they can be used to rig a...
Prices from $0.42 VAT excluded

Jaxon Gags

Prices from $1.63 VAT excluded

Jaxon Pin on Reel

Very usefull accessories. Pin on to your vest.
Prices from $1.56 VAT excluded

Jaxon Winders

Prices from $0.42 VAT excluded

Jaxon Stoppers for Floats

Stoppers for floats
Prices from $0.33 VAT excluded

Jaxon Lightsticks for floats

Lightsticks for floats
Prices from $0.38 VAT excluded

Jaxon Wavy lines (tubes)

Prices from $0.83 VAT excluded

Jaxon Rigs accessories

Rigs accessories
Prices from $0.46 VAT excluded

Jaxon Plummets

Plummets with cork
Prices from $0.73 VAT excluded

Jaxon Bait Conatiners

Bait Conatiners
Prices from $1.25 VAT excluded

Jaxon Jaxon Loop Connectors

Prices from $2.17 VAT excluded

Jaxon Backings

Backings for fly-fishing lines in best price on market. Aval...
Prices from $5.94 VAT excluded

Jaxon Polarized Sunglasses AK-OKX

These sleek, lightweight sunglasses eliminate harsh glare an...
Prices from $0.63 VAT excluded

Jaxon Echosounder holder

Echosounder holder PL-AES120 For mounting transducer to boa...
Prices from $22.93 VAT excluded

Jaxon Threaded rod rests

Threaded rod rests
Prices from $0.67 VAT excluded

Jaxon Telescopic Banksticks

Telescopic Banksticks Fishing telescoping bankstick - P...
Prices from $1.25 VAT excluded

Jaxon Telescopic Banksticks

Prices from $1.77 VAT excluded

Jaxon Threaded Bars

Prices from $1.77 VAT excluded

Jaxon Supports

Prices from $1.50 VAT excluded

Jaxon Threaded Rests and Clips

Prices from $1.67 VAT excluded

Jaxon Tripods

Tripods Tripod - base their stands and rollers. Feet, 3-...
Prices from $9.07 VAT excluded

Jaxon Pole rollers and Support Systems

Pole rollers and Support Systems
Prices from $3.04 VAT excluded

Jaxon Armchairs

Fishing chairs is a perfect product for those who like to fe...
Prices from $51.28 VAT excluded

Jaxon Chairs

Prices from $7.50 VAT excluded

Jaxon Table AK-KZH012

Prices from $34.81 VAT excluded

Jaxon Board for filleting fish

Practical grip designet to prevent fishes from sliping.
Prices from $14.59 VAT excluded

Jaxon Olivettes

CC-AB Olivettes. Sizes available: 1g; 2g; 3g; 4g; 5g; 6g;...
Prices from $0.38 VAT excluded

Jaxon Drop Shaped Leads with Swivel

CC-AE Drop shaped lead with swivel. Sizes available: 3g; 5...
Prices from $0.46 VAT excluded

Jaxon Hexagonal Leads

CP-106 Hexagonal lead. Sizes available: 15g; 20g; 30g; 40g...
Prices from $0.35 VAT excluded

Jaxon Flat Leads

CC-AC Flat lead. Sizes available: 15g; 20g; 25g; 30g; 35g;...
Prices from $0.71 VAT excluded

Jaxon Catfish leads

Prices from $1.67 VAT excluded

Jaxon Set of leads with a swivel

Prices from $15.63 VAT excluded

Jaxon Node connector without KLIX

Prices from $0.42 VAT excluded

Jaxon Barrel Swivel

Prices from $0.25 VAT excluded

Jaxon Strong Swivel

Prices from $0.48 VAT excluded

Jaxon Barrel Swivel triple

Size and durability: 2-40 kg, 4-28 kg, 6-25 kg, 8-18...
Prices from $0.52 VAT excluded

Jaxon Swivel Strong with Strong

Sizes and durability: 1/0-40 kg, 2-35 kg, 4-32 kg, 6-30 kg,...
Prices from $0.73 VAT excluded

Jaxon Swivel Strong with Spiral

Sizes and durability: 12-14 kg, 14-12 kg, 16-8 kg, 18-6 kg
Prices from $1.08 VAT excluded

Jaxon Barrel Swivel triple with beads

Size and durability: 8-28 kg, 10-21 kg, 12-18 kg, 14-15 kg,...
Prices from $0.60 VAT excluded

Jaxon Split rings Extra Strong

Prices from $1.21 VAT excluded

Jaxon Snaps

Prices from $0.21 VAT excluded

Jaxon Tungsten Leaders

Leaders made of wolfram braid. Very soft, well contracting a...
Prices from $0.92 VAT excluded

Jaxon Strong Swivel

Size and durability: 2 - 40kg 4 - 35kg 6 - 30kg 8 - 25k...
Prices from $1.29 VAT excluded

Jaxon Caps

Compulsory in equipment of every angler. Without those, fish...
Prices from $5.00 VAT excluded

Jaxon Vests

Comfortable fishing vests with numerous pockets.
Prices from $21.89 VAT excluded

Jaxon Rainproof clothes Prestige

Range made from Plavitex material, 100% waterproof. Clothes...
Prices from $26.47 VAT excluded

Jaxon fishing equipment

The Jaxon brand has been present on the Polish angling market since 1984. We are one of the largest fishing wholesalers in Central Europe. We present a comprehensive range of fishing equipment including rods, reels, lines, braided lines, spinning lures, hooks, floats, landing nets and thousands of different fishing accessories. Our commercial offer is directed to anglers according to the basic principle - uncompromising quality at a competitive price. We are present in practically all good Polish fishing shops.
The importance of JAXON branded products in many European countries is growing every year. Before being released for sale, all our products undergo a multi-stage series of tests conducted by a group of the best fishing experts. We provide a well-stocked service, we provide guarantees for all JAXON rods and reels.
Jaxon fishing tackle enjoys a deservedly good reputation among a wide range of anglers. Professional anglers taking part in national and international fishing competitions are more and more willing to buy our products.