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Fly Tying Feathers
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Hareline Dubbin Dow Saddles

Roster saddles which are great for buggers and streamers.
Prices from $43.15 VAT excluded

Veniard Genetic Hen Capes

Genetic Hen capes from the USA with great quality soft hackl...
Prices from $31.69 VAT excluded

Wapsi Salmon Hen Neck

Sub. for illegal, exotic plumage. Use for traditional salmon...
Prices from $4.38 VAT excluded

Metz Cock Saddle

Prices from $67.33 VAT excluded

Keough Hackle Half Grizzly Saddle

Half Grizzly Saddles from Keough Hackles breeding. Prepared...
Prices from $49.20 VAT excluded

Keough Hackle Keough Hackle Cock Capes Tyers Grade

Keough Hackle Tyers Grade Cape are genetic cock neck capes o...
Prices from $67.54 VAT excluded

FMFly Hen Capes

Hen neck capes make the irreplaceable, basic material for ma...
Prices from $2.46 VAT excluded

FMFly Cock Capes - Natural

The cocks capes in natural colours, available in three quali...
Prices from $1.25 VAT excluded

FMFly Cock Capes - Dyed

Dyed caps from Indian rooster breeds have a full range of fe...
Prices from $3.79 VAT excluded

FMFly Cock Saddle Patch

The saddle capes of a rooster has long feathers, which are m...
Prices from $3.00 VAT excluded

Ewing Rooster Saddle

Perfect hackles for Pike flies, seatrout flies and streamer...
Prices from $68.79 VAT excluded

Ewing Dry Fly Cape

Genetic capes, cultured in USA, for dry flies. Full range of...
Prices from $35.65 VAT excluded

Wapsi Duck Wing Quills

Mallard duck wing quills this is the basic material for dry...
Prices from $2.17 VAT excluded

Veniard Feather - loosely

Prices from $4.27 VAT excluded

Hareline Dubbin Turkey Biot Quills

Perfect material to tying dry flies body. Two sorted feather...
Prices from $3.21 VAT excluded

Hareline Dubbin Cul de Canard

Cul De Canard (CDC) are the feathers from the back of the of...
Prices from $3.38 VAT excluded

Veniard Mallard Bronze

Small and medium feathers used predominately on the "Mallard...
Prices from $6.98 VAT excluded

Wapsi Golden Pheasant Tail Piece

Prices from $6.98 VAT excluded

Wapsi Dry Fly Neck Hackle

Genetic feathers for dry fly flies. The x-small size is the...
Prices from $10.63 VAT excluded

FMFly CDC Puffs

Prices from $2.23 VAT excluded

Veniard Woodcock - whole wings

Wings should be in every fly tier workshop. Basic material t...
Prices from $10.01 VAT excluded

Veniard Pheasant hen - whole wings

Wings should be in every fly tier workshop. Basic material t...
Prices from $6.67 VAT excluded

Veniard Mallard Duck - whole wings

Wings should be in every fly tier workshop. Basic material t...
Prices from $7.94 VAT excluded

Wapsi Golden Pheasant Tippets

Prices from $3.17 VAT excluded

Veniard Peacock

Use the eyes if you want the fullest herl.
Prices from $4.69 VAT excluded

Spirit River UV2 Grizzly Soft Hackles

Great for buggers, damsels or soft hackles. All UV2 enhanced...
Prices from $5.15 VAT excluded

Spirit River UV2 Strung Saddle

Key colors infused with UVF and UVR. Read more about this or...
Prices from $8.86 VAT excluded

Veniard Teal Duck

Teal Duck has strong black and white barring. Used as a wing...
Prices from $4.79 VAT excluded

Veniard Condor substitute

Veniard is the best accessible on the market the condor subs...
Prices from $1.88 VAT excluded

Wapsi Grizzly Matuka Soft Hackle

Prices from $3.63 VAT excluded

Wapsi Mallard Barred Flank

Prices from $2.25 VAT excluded

Wapsi Ozark Turkey Quill

Prices from $4.59 VAT excluded

Wapsi Ringneck Rump Hackle

Prices from $2.92 VAT excluded

Wapsi Marabou Blood Quills

Our best selling Marabou. This marabou is the blood quill. I...
Prices from $2.50 VAT excluded

Wapsi Neck Hackle Strung

Large, wide hackles, good for streamers, bass and saltwater...
Prices from $3.34 VAT excluded

Wapsi Ostrich Herl

Very popular for gilled nymphs, tails, bodies, tentacles and...
Prices from $3.54 VAT excluded

FMFly Feathers Grizzly Marabou

Grizzly Marabou is a colored turkey feather with black strip...
Prices from $1.96 VAT excluded

FMFly Peacock Eyes

Prices from $1.19 VAT excluded

Wapsi Ostrich Marabou

Ostrich plumes the size of Turkey Marabou. A great material...
Prices from $2.50 VAT excluded

Wapsi Strung Schlappen

Prices from $6.46 VAT excluded