Novelties from Ridge Monkey, Mivardi, Nowości Ridge Monkey, Mivardi, Deeper fishfinders, Minn Kota engines
We are starting this news with information for carp anglers – big supply of Ridge Monkey products and two products from Trakker.
We informed last week about new brand the Mivardi. Below you can find continuation.
In newest delivery of Sensas groundbaits we got many new products. We decrease our prices for rest of Sensas products in our offer.
Deeper fishfinders are new products in our offer. In latest delivery, we got two series of fishfinders and accesories for it.
After some time, we introduced again electric engines with beak models Power Drive, from distributor of Minn Kota brand.
From Siek we got three new series of wobblers and new colors from Kenart.
We changed method of ordering jig heads from Westin, at this moment you can order it for pieces.

Harison, producer of groundbaits, sent us new smells in Gold Line series – HPM, KRIlL PEPPER and TIGER NUT.

We are continuing our mega promotions
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