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Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder Rods

Price from $94.85 View products

rods for distance casting with heavy feeders

Xtreme by name, extreme by nature! The Monster Xtreme Distance range of rods have been developed to cast huge distances with heavy feeders, while still having a fish-playing action. All three models feature strong, powerful blanks which can propel feeders over 100m with ease while retaining a stunning fish-playing action. They also double up as the ideal choice for fast-flowing rivers where species such as barbel are the target. Distance Seaguide guides, beautifully blended powerful quiver tips and long handles to aid casting can be found on all models. Monster Xtreme Distance 3.8m The shortest rod in the range, this rod is ideally suited to casting distances up to 120m. Featuring a forgiving, powerful blank this is the ideal rod for distance commercial-style fishing for Carp and other hard-fighting species. Supplied with 3,4 & 6oz tips Casting weight - 150g Monster Xtreme Distance 4.0m The 4m length of this rod makes it the perfect choice for a wide variety of scenarios, whether it be casting distances up to 140m or fishing fast-flowing water with heavy feeders, this rod...
Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 3.60m 150g

Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 3.60m 150g

Code: 0070066

Casting weight: 150 g
Length: 360.00 cm
Provided Feeder Tips: 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 oz
Sections: 3+3
Transport length: 124 cm
Weight: 254.00 g

$94.85 VAT excluded
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Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 3.80m 150g

Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 3.80m 150g

Code: 0070050

Casting weight: 150 g
Length: 380.00 cm
Provided Feeder Tips: 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 oz
Sections: 3+3
Transport length: 132 cm
Weight: 285.00 g

$95.27 VAT excluded
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Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 4.00m 180g

Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 4.00m 180g

Code: 0070051

Casting weight: 180 g
Length: 400.00 cm
Provided Feeder Tips: 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 oz
Sections: 3+3
Transport length: 139 cm
Weight: 328.00 g

$104.23 VAT excluded
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Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 4.20m 200g

Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 4.20m 200g

Code: 0070052

Casting weight: 200 g
Length: 420.00 cm
Provided Feeder Tips: 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 oz
Sections: 3+3
Transport length: 145 cm
Weight: 285.00 g

$113.61 VAT excluded
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Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 4.50m 220g

Rod Preston Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder 4.50m 220g

Code: 0070067

Casting weight: 220 g
Length: 450.00 cm
Provided Feeder Tips: 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 oz
Sections: 3+3
Transport length: 155 cm
Weight: 383.00 g

$122.99 VAT excluded
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Monster Xtreme Distance Feeder Rods

Xtreme by name, extreme by nature! The Monster Xtreme Distance range of rods have been developed to cast huge distances with heavy feeders, while still having a fish-playing action.
All three models feature strong, powerful blanks which can propel feeders over 100m with ease while retaining a stunning fish-playing action. They also double up as the ideal choice for fast-flowing rivers where species such as barbel are the target.
Distance Seaguide guides, beautifully blended powerful quiver tips and long handles to aid casting can be found on all models.

Monster Xtreme Distance 3.8m
The shortest rod in the range, this rod is ideally suited to casting distances up to 120m. Featuring a forgiving, powerful blank this is the ideal rod for distance commercial-style fishing for Carp and other hard-fighting species.
Supplied with 3,4 & 6oz tips
Casting weight - 150g

Monster Xtreme Distance 4.0m
The 4m length of this rod makes it the perfect choice for a wide variety of scenarios, whether it be casting distances up to 140m or fishing fast-flowing water with heavy feeders, this rod will do it all with ease! A great all-rounder for anybody targeting large fish with big feeders at distance.
Supplied with 3,4 & 6oz tips
Casting weight 180g

Monster Xtreme Distance 4.2m
The longest rod in the range, this model is a real beast! With a 200g casting weight, this rod cast feeders to over 160m in testing, an unbelievable achievement given the price tag! However, don’t let the huge casting rating fool you, this rod still features a progressive fish-playing action. It also doubles up as the go-to model for fast-flowing rivers as the added length allows you to keep the line off the water.
Supplied with 3,4 & 6oz tips
Casting weight 200g
Aimed at the serious match angler, Preston Innovations offer a wide range of products that suit many different styles of fishing. From the casual angler right through to professional match winners we cover something for every angler in our diverse and vast range of quality products. We have one of the strongest and most formidable team of anglers, the likes of Des Shipp, Lee Kerry, Neil McKinnon, and Andy Findlay are all regular faces in our product development meetings, so it’s no wonder our product range is so impressive and extensive. The invaluable input from these match winning professionals helps us produce innovative and cutting-edge products that are not only practical, but really give anglers an edge - especially in match fishing situations.
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BV Preston Innovations Europe
2340 Beerse, Belgium
BTW BE 0774.680.897