A fishing keepnet is an extremely important piece of fishing tackle for every coarse anglers, not to mention for anglers taking part in fishing competitions.
Fishing keepnet are used to keep fish in the best condition, which after fishing will be weighed (as it is during competitions) or released.
Keepnets must be large, above all, so that live fish have adequate space to move around, so that they do not rub against each other and simply return to the water in the best possible condition.
The material from which fishing keepnet are made (obviously better models) is soft enough not to damage the fish.
There are two basic mesh shapes to choose from, round and square or rectangular.
Round keepnets are the most popular models available on the market for years, they are relatively cheap and available in various lengths. In addition, the meshes of the keepnet are larger than those found in competition keepnets.
Square or rectangular are specialized fishing keepnets recommended for competition match anglers. They are bigger and longer and made of a different material. They have smaller meshes and, additionally, they create a shadow for the kept fish, which calms them down. Another advantage of such keepnets is their shape, which limits the movement on the bottom - which is extremely helpful when fishing in rivers.
When choosing a keepnet, first of all, you need to pay attention to the length, it is better to buy a longer one than too short. If we think that 3 meters is enough for us, let's buy 4 meters. A longer fishing keepnet works better on fisheries with a higher bank and in very shallow places.
In our online fishing store you will find various models of keepnet, including valued match fishing brands such as Preston.